Saturday, November 19, 2005

Serendipity Moment

There seem to be few days when several factors combine to make a day feel especially good and yesterday was one. Three things conspired to fuel that feeling. First it was a beautiful fall day and promised unusually warm temps. Second, there was
a positive article in the paper and third there was a serendipitous quote in the crossword of the day.

The quote came from Senator Fulbright who started a scholarship program in his name (Bill Clinton was a recipient) in the 70's. "In a democracy dissent is an act of faith." In today's political climate this seems like an idea we need to remember.

An article in the SF Chronicle described a one year. grant funded program to promote green dorm rooms on 3 campuses. Students can tour the first at Berkeley and it is being well received. Energy Star appliances have explanatory signs and ecologically friendly products are featured including personal care items from Tom's of Maine soap, 7th Generation tissue, and Avalon Organic Botanicals shampoo. Cal's recycling manager says "So much of what students do and learn sets patterns for their lives. Your choices do make an impact.".


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