Wednesday, November 16, 2005

A Carbon Moment

Thanks to my friend, George, who wrote an article for the local rag, here is a suggestion for anyone who would like to reduce greenhouse gases. Since our elected officials seem reluctant to do so, here's how he suggests. Start thinking about what and where and how much you drive. Your car puts out 20 pounds of carbon dioxide per gallon of fuel (gas or diesel). If you average 25 miles per gallon, in a 50 mile trip, you have used 2 gallons and put 40 pounds of carbon dioxide out. If your car gets 40 miles per gallon, your car burned 1.25 gallons and only emitted 25 pounds of carbon dioxide. So, figure it out. Divide miles per day by miles per gallon, multiply by 20.
Start thinking about your next car or truck. If enough of us start buying really fuel efficient vehicles the manufacturers would quickly tool up for higher eficiency engines.


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