Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Time seems to be getting away faster and faster. Blogging has slowed to a crawl, and today I have other things that need doing. I do want to mention a few green power programs that Utne has listed to give everyone a lift. It isn't often this kind of information is out there in the general news media, and we need to know that companies, especially utilities, are working toward solutions for more efficient, renewable, energy.

Austin, Texas holds the honors for the top utility in the U.S. for the third year, for generating 38.2 average megawatts using wind, landfill gas, and hydropower. The honor is awarded by the U. S. Department of Energy. The runners-up, in order, are:
Portland General Electric, Portland, Oregon, using geothermal, wind, small hydro.
Pacific Corp, Portland, Oregon, using wind, biomass, and solar.
Sacramento Municipal Utility District, using landfill gas, wind, small hydro, solar.
Xcel Energy, Minneapolis, using wind.
National Grid, U.S.A., Northeast U.S. using biomass, small hydro, solar.
Los Angeles Department of Power and Water, Los Angeles, using wind, landfill gas.
O.G. & E. Electric Services, Oklahoma City, using wind.
Puget Sound Energy, Bellvue, Washington, using wind, solar, biomass gas. and last
We Energies, Milwaukee, using landfill gas, wind, small hydro.

Anyone who is benefiting from these forward thinking utilities would be well advised to let them know how much their actions are appreciated. Encourage them to continue to improve the way they do business, and tell others about the way they are helping to protect our country and the world.


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