Saturday, January 07, 2006

Boring Moment

Some years ago I clipped an article from the SF Chronicle entitled "Feling Bored? Then Read This". One of the reasons I did this was because one of my grandchildren was in that state and I thought I would share some of the ideas. I am not at all sure that these ideas were adopted but I didn"t hear any more comments about boredom.

Today, after the rush and excitement of the holidays is over, seems llike a very good time to review some of these tips. They are from Michael Levine, an entertainment publicist and author.

!. Get the reading habit, if you don't already have it. Headed for a meeting, apppointment or a lunch in the park? Take a book, magazine or newspaper with you. Keep reading material in the car, or your backpack. for that unforeseen moment when you are forced to wait for someone or something.

2. Watch TV selectively. Surfing the channels, looking for something to watch that is interesting, indicates a need for an activity more engaging.

3. Develop a hobby or hobbies. They could be artistic, recreational or intellectual, but they will add a new dimension to your life.

4. Join an organization. Sharing your interests with like-mineded people brings a new perspective to your life. Your ideas grow with added education related to what you enjoy doing. The number of organizations is huge and encompasses local,state,national and international scopes.

5.Don't isolate yourself. Spending time with others for recreation, advice or education will add untold benefits to your life. When you volunteer to help others you are adding immeasurable satisfaction to your own life.

6. Believe in yourself. With confidence you can achieve what you set out to do. Work and determination are the keys to success. No one said life would be easy and failing in a task does not mean total failure. It means you need to try again, or try a different approach. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

7. Have a wish list. Always have something you want to do, see, learn, and want to be. "You'll notice I didn't say want to have", says Michael Levine. Having things does not bring happiness.


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