Sunday, May 21, 2006

Let's Do It Moment

First, I apologize for the lapse in entries. Have been on a project with a deadline and it is now done, so I am back.

Second, I apologize for an entry which is not usual for me. This is a plea for better government through the process of public financing. In a way it is linked to saving the planet, one person at a time, because the current administration is rapidly destroying the environment, one act at at a time, and the only way to change this is to take corporations out of the election process. This has been discussed time and again by various politicians, but has gotten nowhere.

This will need to come from the grass roots of our country, and it is beginning to happen at So, please go to this website and join in the fight to take our government and our environment back. It will take just 6 dollars per person to finance candidates who are capable but not fianancially able to fund the huge sums necessary to mount an election campaign. It will also free current office holders to work for us instead of continually needing to raise funds to stay in office or get reelected.


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