Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Super Foods Moment

For today I want to tell you about the ten best foods for your body as recommended by the Nutrition Action Newsletter, which is published by the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest.

Sweet Potatoes - loaded with carotenoids, vitamin C, potassium and fiber.

Grape Tomatoes - packed with vitamin C, vitamin A, some fiber and phytochemicals.

Fat-Free (Siim) Milk - great for vitamins, calcium and protein with little fat and chloesterol.

Blueberries - Rich in fiber, vitamin C and antioxidents.

Wild Salmon - the omega-3 fat source to reduce risks of sudden-death heart attacks.

Crispbreads - whole-grain rye crackers, like Wasa,Ry-Crisp and Ryvita - tons of fiber and often fat-free.

10 Minute Brown Rice - fiber, magnesium, vitamins E and B-6, copper, zinc, none of which are in white rice.

Watermelon - vitamin C and carotenoids.

Diced Butternut Squash - Every 1/2 cup has 5 grams of fiber and lots of A and C. sometimes sold cut up and bagged for an easy snack or baked with other veggies.

Pre-washed, Pre-cut Bags of Greens - loaded with vitamin C, carotenoids, calcium, folate, potassium, and fiber.

*All of these make great snacks, almost all with no cooking.


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