Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Ireland started charging 15 cents on plastic bags and there was a resultant 95% decrease in their use. Some stores offer a 5 penny discount if you bring your own bag. In the US, about 12 million barrels of oil and 14 million trees go to producing plastic and paper bags each year.

With the statistics like these and the years we have known these facts we all must really get with the program and start doing what we know we should be doing. Most groceries now offer cloth bags, Even the car makers offer spots for stashing the bags by the drivers seats in their cars. What more do you need to get with it?

If you just can't get with the program, be sure to tie them in knots before you toss them into the recycle bin so they won't balloon up into the air and end up as litter. Suggestion courtesy ''.


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5:36 PM  
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2:16 AM  

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