Monday, July 11, 2005

Today' Moment

In contemplating use of this blog I have come up with many a thought but none seem worthy of someone else's time and trouble. So I decided to use it to practice my typing skills which at this monent are exceedingly limited. I need to blindfold myself or cover the keys to force myself to look at the screen, neither of which I do but instead conntinue to peek when I am uncertain. I started with Mavis last Wesnesday and have practiced every day for at least 20 minutes and I am at 25 wpm on the first row but a very weak 11 minutes with the second row added in. As with most of my self improvement projects, my aspirations exceed my will power and the enthusiasm fades as the realization hits that this is not going to be done in a flash . Ah well, Rome wasn't built .... as they say.


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